Parent Code Of Conduct


Parent Code of Conduct (agreed to during online registration)

As a parent/guardian of a child participating in the PCMHA Minor Hockey Association I agree to adopt the following Code of Conduct. I fully understand that breaching this could result in a penalty as severe as expulsion from Minor Hockey events for the remainder of the season. PCMHA recognizes the need to support our volunteers and set a minimum level of expectations for the parents of the players involved in our association.

Failure to abide by the Code of Conduct will be dealt with according to the PCMHA Behaviour Policy.

24 hour rule:

I agree that I will not discuss any concerns from a game, practice or team event with any member of the team staff for a period of 24 hours after the
 game, practice or team event. In addition, I will review the issue with my son/daughter and then if I feel it needs to be addressed, I will approach the team manager and respect the process that is in place for the resolution of team issues.


I will not approach the bench during or at the conclusion of a game, skills or practice session. If my child is injured I will await instructions from the trainer who is certified and equipped to deal with the situation.

As a parent, I acknowledge and respect the relationship and commitment my son/daughter makes to be a member of a team. I realize and understand that my son/daughter needs to adhere to the values and goals of their coach and PCMHA in order to learn individual and team skills. As a role model for my son/daughter, I agree to conduct myself in a manner that will allow the values and goals of the team and the organization to be achieved. The Code of Conduct has been created to guide parents to achieve a level of mutual respect that will allow all sports participants to enjoy the full benefit of the events.

PARENTS ACKNOWLEDGE AND WILL FOLLOW AS LISTED BELOW: I, the parent/guardian of a PCMHA player agree to the following:

·         Treat everyone fairly within the context of his or her role in the activity; 

·         Ensure that comments or suggestions are provided to the team or Association to encourage improvement in a respectful positive manner; 

·         Consistently display high personal standards and project a favorable image of the team, the association and the sport; 

·         Not publicly criticizing players, coaches, officials, volunteers and other parents;

·         Not being under the influence of alcohol, or any illegal drug while in the presence of the athletes at events; 

·         Not using profane, insulting, harassing, or otherwise offensive/derogatory language; 

·         Understand that team performance goals take precedence over individual goals;

·         Refrain from yelling at or threatening referees, opposing players or coaches before, during or after games or practices;

·         Not physically or verbally abuse any other parent or player;

·         Discuss all concerns with team staff in a responsible, respectful and open-minded manner. 


I further agree to abide by the conditions of the Abusive Parent Dispute Resolution Policy of HNS (Dispute Resolution Policy) made available to me on the League or HNS website, or by requesting a paper copy

The policy can be found here - Abusive Parent Dispute Resolution Policy